Unit 1: Limits and Continuity

1.1 Use ᵋ-ᵟ in finding a limit


1.2 Left-hand limit and right-hand limit

1.3 Continuity of a function: Meaning of continuity

Unit II: Derivatives
2.1 Differentiation of implicit and explicit function, trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, and parametric function.




2.2 Definition and notation of derivative of a function, of order greater than one.

2.3 Differentiation of some specific functions up to 4th order.

2.4 Partial derivatives of the functions of type u= f(x,y)

Unit III: Tangent and Normal

3.1 Equation of tangent and normal / 3.2 Problems on a tangent and normal


3.3 Angle of the intersection of two curves (Cartesian only)

3.4 Problems on Length of tangent, normal, sub-tangent and sub-normal

Unit IV: Maxima and Minima
 4.1 Meaning of Maxima and minima

4.1.1 Global Maxima/minima | 4.1.2 Local Maxima/minima